Human Design Energy Types: Reflectors

Learn more about the most unique energy type so we can all have appreciation for their energetic needs and role amongst all of us.

Human Design Energy Types: Projectors

Learn about one of the most influential energy types in Human Design. If are a Projector, or have one in your life, you won’t want to miss this!

Human Design Energy Types: Manifesting Generators

Manifesting Generators are fast moving and multi-passionate. Learn how this energy type works with others and walks through life smoothly.

Human Design Energy Types: Generators

Learn more about the Generator Energy Type so you can learn ways to walk through life easier or to honor the energetic needs of your family & friends.

Human Design Energy Types: Manifestors

If this is your energy type, you'll get tips on how to make life easier. If it's not, there are tips for your relationships with Manifestors.

An Overview of the Human Design Energy Types

Human Design is a big experiment. It's time to begin your journey and here are the three things you should look at first.