An Overview of the Human Design Authorities

An Overview of the Human Design Authorities

What if I told you I know how to make your decision making process easier!?!

That’s right! I am that powerful.

Except that your human design chart is going to tell me all the answers. 😉

I don’t know about you, but I am the type of person that has always mulled over everything before making a very careful decision about something. Especially if it’s a big decision.
I would talk to friends about it, make a pros & cons list, journal about how I was feeling around each outcome, most of the time I would also dive into massive research around each scenario and analyze how the characters in the book I was reading would handle the situation as well.

After finding human design I realized I was incorporating everyone else’s decision making processes into my routine, and not even the one that’s most right for me which is checking in with my gut.

You might be thinking,

“Yeah, Laura. That’s a pretty common phrase to hear when you’re making a decision."

“What does your gut say?”
“Go with your gut.”

I’m going to elaborate a little ...

Making Decisions

If you don’t remember, I am a Generator type and we make up about 70% of the population. Therefore, this phrase of “going with your gut” makes sense that it’s somewhat mainstreamed for making decisions.

However, not all of us are designed to use our gut when making big decisions, and even those of us that can use our gut in certain situations, still have an emotional wave that needs to be checked in on before making any large pivots in our life.

Let me explain …

First of all our minds aren’t designed to help us make decisions.

I know, that sounds absolutely insane and you probably think I’m off my rocker.

[Is that even a phrase we use anymore? Boy that sure dates me I guess.]

However, after experimenting with my true authority I can attest that my brain now just gets in the way!

I like to tell my clients that the minute you start to justify your decision, by saying something like,

“I’m going to choose this route because …” then you know your mind was involved.

Now that doesn’t mean that your decision isn’t correct for you, it just means that your brain took over and you’ll have to do some back tracking to check in with your true authority before committing to the decision you think you want to go with.

Figuring out and following your own personal authority probably won’t come easy to you no matter what it says for "authority" on your chart, because family & society condition us to think we need to process through every decision carefully and justify why it’s a good decision.

In fact, another thing I’ve learned is that whatever decision comes up when using your authority may not always make logical sense, but your body is telling you it’s the right decision for you right now.

You can find your personal Authority on your human design chart. If you don’t have yours make sure you download one for free HERE.

After a brief overview of the different authority types, I encourage you to truly experiment with yours and let me know if you want a support person with all of this, because, like I said, sometimes it’s not easy.

There are eight different types of authorities human design. I’ve listed them below in the hierarchy that they are represented in the bodygraph, or Human Design Chart.

Emotional Authority

The first decision making authority is Emotional Authority. Approximately 50% of the population has their emotional solar plexus defined and this is what determines whether you will have emotional authority or not.

Even if you have another decision making center filled in, such as the sacral center, which is directly left of the solar plexus, you will always use your emotional wave to help you make big decisions in your life.

This is a complex decision making process that I will explain in a future episode, but for now you can think of it this way …

When you’re faced with a big decision you will want to go through all of the emotions around the situation, get to a neutral spot, and then the decision will become clear to you. If it doesn’t then your “logic” may be getting in the way or you might not have let yourself feel all the things around it.

Sacral Authority

The next in the hierarchy is sacral authority. This is my personal decision making process & the one I talked about earlier. Only generators and manifesting generators have access to this primal, gut response to making decisions. They are all able to check in with their gut around small everyday decisions, but if they have their emotional solar plexus defined then they will want to follow their emotional wave for bigger ones.

Splenic Authority

Splenic Authority is for those that have their spleen center defined. This is a a similar feeling as checking in with your gut, but it’s more subtle, kind of like an intuition or sensing. Many people with splenic authority say that they have an inner knowing around what’s right for them, and most of the time they can sense what opportunities and people are safe, or right for them.

Ego Authority

Ego Authority applies to only Manifestors or Projectors. This process comes from having your Will Center defined. It’s very “I” driven and can come across as egotistical. Making decisions are slightly different for each of these types. Both need to talk through their decisions, but Manifestors will find themselves using phrases like, “I want’’ and Projectors will say things like “I do (or do not)” Both of these phrases refer to what the person wants or needs for themself right now, not a wanting or possession of something.

Self-Projected/Mental Authority

Next we have Self-Projected & Mental Authority. Both of these are only found in Projectors and have a great deal to do with talking through their situations. If you have Self-Projected Authority then you can probably identify with being a verbal processor. You really need to let the truth flow through and not let your mind get in the way. Once you speak it, you will know what the right decision for you is.

For Mental Authority the environment is essential to their decision making process. If the people their with or the environment feel wrong to them, then the decisions they make in this environment have a higher tendency of being wrong for them as well. As a rule of thumb, always surround yourself with people that feel right.

As you might have been able to deduce, your Projector and Manifestor friends and family need to talk through things and don’t necessarily need advice, but just a sounding board. So always ask them if they’d like your input or if they just want you to listen.

Lunar Authority

If you are a Reflector then your Authority is to wait a Lunar Cycle or 28-day process before making big decisions. You might have been told growing up that you take too long to make decisions! Well, here’s your permission to take the time you need and don’t feel like you have to commit until you’re ready.


Following our energetically aligned “authority” allows us to make decisions that are individually correct for us, and unless you’re a pure Generator, it’s okay to give yourself at least one sleep before committing to anything.

Experimenting & practicing my own authority has changed my life and brought about more ease around making decisions.

Start thinking about these things and see if you can begin your experiment and path to making life easier.

Until next time,
Happy exploring!