How Do I Understand This Bodygraph Thing?

How Do I Understand This Bodygraph Thing?

I don’t know about you, but when I first got my chart I couldn’t understand anything about it and thought to myself, how do I understand this bodygraph thing?

In fact, the more I looked at it, the more confused I got. Well, we're going to break it down today. By the time you get to the end, you'll have a better idea what you're looking at.

So, grab your chart and let’s talk through all of the things.

If you don’t have your chart or you need a fresh one you can get one here 👇🏼


Okay, here we go!

First of all, a bodygraph, or Human Design Chart is like a user manual for living in alignment with our energy so we meet less resistance in life. It reflects the position of the stars & planets the moment you were born, which is why your birth date, time, & place are needed for generating a chart.

So, when you look at your bodygraph, or Human Design Chart you’ll see numbers along the sides, shapes in the middle, numbers within those shapes, and lines connecting those numbers.


On either side of the chart are numbers next to astrological symbols.

The numbers on the right side represent where the stars & planets were when you were born. These characteristics will be things you identify with and can see in yourself.

The numbers on the left are where the stars & planets were about three months before you were born. These numbers represent archetypes that will play out in a way that others will see them in you more than you will see them in yourself. This is also where our ancestral traits live, as well as passed down trauma.

You might also notice the arrows near the head area. These are some more advanced features that I’ll talk about another day.


The shapes that are in the formation of a human body are called centers & there are nine of them in total.

Starting from the top you have the:
identity or g-center
will or ego center
emotional solar plexus

If any of these centers are colored in they are considered defined & that means you are going to experience consist access to that energy, many times in a fixed way

If any of them are uncolored or white, they are often called open or undefined. You’ll experience the characteristics associated with these centers on an inconsistent basis & adapt to the energy around you exuded by others.

You can also think of it as defined centers transmit energy and undefined or open centers receive energy


Now the numbers inside these centers are called gates.

Gates are activated or defined based on those numbers I talked about earlier that are on the right and left side of the chart.

You might also notice the lines that connect one gate to another. These are called channels & represent a big theme of who you are, or what you’re here to experience.

When a gate is activated it highlights, or colors in that half of the channel. If the gate at the other end of that channel is also colored in then it will make the entire channel colored in.
If you remember from the centers, if something is colored in, it means that it’s defined & you have consistent access to that energy.

Well, when a channel is activated or defined then it also makes the centers on each end colored in or defined as well. This is how our defined centers are determined

What does all of this mean?

As you learn more about your chart, either through your own exploration or through working with me, you’ll want to keep in mind that wherever you have activation, there is consistent energy & potential for mastery.

Where you have openness (or areas that aren’t colored in) you will have the potential to borrow or amplify other’s energy in this area. You also want to pay attention to the great wisdom you’ll gain from the experiences they will bring

What do I look at first?

The first thing in your chart you will want to learn about (and continue learning about) is your TYPE.

There are five energy types in HD

  • Manifestors, Generators, Manifesting Generators, Projectors, and Reflectors.

Your type is like your life's blueprint. It can provide a basic understanding of your strategy, and your way of interacting with the world.

For instance, should you wait for invitations, respond to things that physically come to you, initiate things into action, or wait a full lunar cycle?

It’s also a good idea to look at your emotional themes for your energy type. Where it says your “not-self” theme you’ll see either frustration, anger, bitterness, or disappointment. When you feel this emotion in your life, consider it a sign that you are out of alignment. Once you figure out where that’s coming from, you can decide what to do about it and then move on.

Likewise, you’ll want to pay attention to your energy type’s word or feeling for when you are in alignment

So focus in on when you feel satisfied, success, peace, or surprise. The more you notice when these show up, the more they actually will show up.

The next thing I would look at is your AUTHORITY

This is where decision-making lives.

  • Can you image living a life where decision making was easier!?!

On your chart it will tell you what your authority is.

  • emotional, sacral, splenic, ego manifested, ego projected, self projected, or you may even have no inner authority.

I’ve seen a lot of people act like they are discouraged by the kind of authority it says in their chart. Don’t make any judgements until you’ve learned more about it & email me if you want to chat about what that can look like in your life.

Each type of authority has its unique way of guiding you to make decisions.
Experiment with your authority and I promise you things will get easier.


  • profile
  • incarnation cross
  • the placement of the planets in the bodygraph

Each of these elements bears its own significance and adds a layer of depth to the understanding of your design.

As you can see, There is so much to explore in the chart and once you dive in you realize that there are always things you are learning about yourself.
I’m constantly exploring nuances in my chart, rewriting old stories, and working toward alignment

Human Design is a complex system and it takes time to fully comprehend and integrate it into your life.
It's like learning a new language that explains how you’re designed to navigate through life.

Start with understanding your type and authority, and then gradually explore the other elements. Every step you take in this exploration will lead you closer to understanding yourself and living a life that’s in alignment with who you truly are.

If you want a little help interpreting your chart, book a 1:1 session with me.

I’d love to celebrate you & your superpowers!

Until next time,
Happy exploring!