Human Design Energy Types: Generators

Human Design Energy Types: Generators

Let’s explore the Generator Energy Type today.

As you probably already know this is MY energy type and we make up about 37% of the population.

So … What makes a Generator a Generator?

When looking at your bodygraph the second square from the bottom is your Sacral. If this is defined, then you are automatically a Generator or a Manifesting Generator.

The center to the right of your Sacral is your Emotional Solar Plexus. If this is defined then you are considered an Emotional Generator and if it’s not, then you might see the words Pure Generator on your Human Design Chart.

The “Emotional” piece refers to how you are designed to make big decisions. For today, we are just going to talk about the generalities of a Generator and I’ll talk about the Emotional part when we cover the Authorities a little more in depth.

The other identifying feature in the chart that makes someone a Generator is that they will not have a motor connected to the throat.

If you read about Manifestors, we talked about these motors and that they are an important feature of what determines a Manifestor if any of these centers are connected to the throat.

So, a Generator will NOT have the Emotional Solar Plexus, Will center, or Root connected to the throat, and they WILL have their Sacral center defined.


As another reminder, the Manifestor is the only energy type designed to be able to initiate from their own ideas.

You might be asking the question:

“Well, then how does life work if I can’t initiate anything into action?”

First of all, our energy as Generators works best when we are able to respond to life.

Second, we are fully capable of moving forward with an initiative that comes our way, it just looks different than the Manifestors way of initiating.

Our STRATEGY as a Generator is to Respond.

This means that if we are able to slow down enough to recognize opportunities, then we work best when something shows up in our physical life for us to respond.

“What does this look like, Laura?”

Here’s an example of what it would look like from a Manifestor energy type’s point of view first.
We’ll call our Manifestor, Jessica today. Let’s say that Jessica was sitting out on her porch and suddenly this idea to offer a course to her customers came to her, she could go inside immediately and begin creating it.
After she checked in with her emotions (since that’s her authority) and the answer to launch the course was still a yes, she can do so rather quickly and be successful as she initiates others into wanting to be a part of her work.

The Generator, let’s say that’s me for now, might have experienced the initial idea in a similar manner, but will not make as many sales as the Manifestor if things are executed in the same way. I will have more success if I’m able to respond to something that tells me this might be a good idea.
For instance, while I’m scrolling through social media I might see several people commenting about how they wish it was easier to understand how to tap into their authority.

This is something my energy can “respond” to if it feels correct with my authority, which is my sacral, or my gut.

If my gut says “uh-huh” it gives me, sort of, permission to move forward offering a course for my potential clients. I would then put this course out into the world for others to respond to and if their authority tells them it’s something they should move forward with, then they will purchase.

Can you see a little bit of the difference in the way these two energy types work?

Both of us had the idea, but Jessica was able to move forward and put hers out in the world simply by her own initiative. I will do better when I wait for something to respond to and then begin the execution of creating and launching a course.

I’ve always been the type of person that looks to maximize opportunities that are right in front of me. However, I was lacking that "check in" with my authority to know if that opportunity was something that was right for me, right now.

As you can imagine, I had a lot of experiences in my life, but many of them either ended poorly or were an uphill battle for me as I tried to see it through.

Luckily, I have never really had regrets, and know that I am the person I am today because of those wacky and difficult experiences.

Many people I talk to become paralyzed with what to do next in life because they have to wait to respond - and who knows if anything will come along to begin with!

Do not fear that there won’t be anything for you to respond to. Once you STOP and let life happen, things will come to you rather quickly because that’s how your aura works.

If life were a game of baseball, the Generators would be the players on the field moving the game forward after the Manifestors get the game started as the pitchers. Again, do not fear. There will always be another inning.


All Generators have the ability to use their Sacral response in the moment, even if you have your Emotional Solar Plexus defined.

When you are making quick small decisions as a Generator, it’s important to practice using your Sacral, or gut, to help you make those decisions. At first, this might be a little difficult, especially if you’re like the rest of us and used to analyzing or justifying everything before moving forward with a decision. The goal is for it to become second nature, so practice often.

One of the best ways to practice is by asking your friends and family to ask you yes or no questions. Answering from your sacral is literally a guttural response and it’s perfectly acceptable for you to answer with an

or an

If you’re a Pure Generator, then this will be how you can make all your decisions, including big ones!

If you’re an Emotional Generator, then you should follow your emotional wave when making big decisions. But, you can use your sacral to make quick decisions and to help with big ones.

In general your Sacral response in the moment is your TRUTH.


Generators are here to do work that we are passionate about, and cultivate mastery within that work.
This might not look like a JOB, but instead, your job may afford you the ability to do the things your passionate about.

For example, if you feel satisfied when you volunteer with Habitat for Humanity, but this won’t pay your bills, then maybe your job is something you do in order to be able to volunteer for these kinds of things.

Satisfaction is what you’re looking for in your work and throughout your day. This is our signature theme that lets us know when we are in alignment.

When you experience frustration it’s a sure sign that you’re either on the verge of burnout or you’ve entered into an opportunity that wasn’t right for you. It’s important to be aware of this feeling of frustration so that you know when something might need to change.

However, it’s more powerful to look for the satisfaction throughout your day to continue feeding the law of attraction and your brain with more positive interactions.


If you have a team member or employee that is a Generator here are a few things you can keep in mind while working with them.

  • Generators work best when they can execute a stair step process.
  • This applies to learning new things and being productive on their projects. It’s helpful for you to know this so that you allow them time to follow each step and work methodically, even if you see a faster way of doing things.

  • A Generator’s emotional theme is frustration.
  • If your co-worker or employee seems frustrated, it may be because they were asked to do work that does not light them up.
  • It could be that they made a decision in their personal life that wasn’t aligned for them.
  • If you are concerned, or if it’s affecting their work, feel free to ask them if there’s anything they’d like to talk about.
  • Even better, ask them when they are NOT frustrated what approach they would like you to take if it starts to affect their work.
  • Overall, don’t take this frustration personally, it’s usually a part of their path to mastery.

  • If I haven’t said it already, Generators are the builders of society.
  • They have a large amount of life-force energy and can generally push through most situations they find themselves in.
  • However, be aware of this and the work you ask them to do.
  • Just because they “can” do the work, doesn’t mean they have the capacity for the work. In other words, don’t take advantage of them, always asking them to do the work because you know it will get done.
  • If a Generator is continually “pushing through” it will lead to burnout and that will be worse than asking someone else with that may do the job a little slower, but has the capacity, than asking the over-worked Generator to do it.

  • As I’ve said several times already, Generators need things to respond.
  • You can assist with this by bringing things physically to them that allows them to use this part of their energy.
  • For example, instead of assigning someone to take over the staff get together, you could send an announcement that you are looking for someone to coordinate a staff event and let them respond.
  • Having an individual conversation with a Generator also allows them to respond to the work that needs to get done.

Regardless, it’s important that you honor the fact that they are not intended to be initiators, in the traditional sense.

  • They are generally good team players.
  • Working on a team allows them plenty of things they can respond to and if they all know who the Generators are, they can practice using yes or no questions with them so their sacral is engaged for optimal alignment.

  • Generators do better when they can expend their energy throughout the day so providing desk treadmills, a mini workout space, or a space that encourages a short walk during the day will help with productivity.


If you have a Generator as a friend or family member be careful to tune into when they are saying yes when it may not be correct for their energy.

Generators have a tendency to do “all the things” because they can, even if they don’t have energy for it.

You can help by paying close attention to whether they have the capacity to do a task or if they are just doing it to keep people happy.

When it comes to making decisions together, such as where to go to dinner, or what movie to watch, your Generator will respond best to yes or no questions.

So, instead of saying, “Which movie do you want to watch?”

You could run down a list of movies you would like to watch and have them answer with a “uh-huh” or “uh-uh”

If you have a Generator child, they need to wear out their sacral energy everyday. When they can’t it means they might not be tired enough to sleep at night and end up staying up too late. It’s also worth noting that children who don’t get enough good quality sleep can develop symptoms such as ADD or lack of focus in school.


  • Follow your passion & listen to your gut
  • Be patient with your stair step learning & productivity process

Most importantly:

  • Wait to respond
  • Follow your authority

Remember that when a Generator is able to respond to the things that physically show up for them they will lead a happy, fulfilled, & satisfying life.

Until next time,
Happy exploring!