Human Design and Our DNA

Human Design and Our DNA

National DNA Day is April 27th every year and it has a significant connection with Human Design!

In true fashion with my line 3 I thought we could explore that here. It’s kind of “sciency” but I’ll try to keep things light.

First of all Human Design & the iChing explore the polarities in the two types of strokes of the Yin & the Yang as they’re brought together in a 6 line structure of Hexagrams for a total of 64 combinations of codons and amino acids.

Oh wait, I did say I was going to break this down a little better for you, didn’t I?

Let’s start with a reminder that Human Design is a new system that uses the language of several ancient systems. The system I’m going to talk the most about today is the Chinese I-Ching which comes from The Book of Changes written many centuries ago in China.

Chinese I-Ching

The I-Ching looks at the polarities of the Yin and Yang.

Yin & Yang represent polar opposites in life.

The Yin Family is fundamental material, or something that has mass.
The Yang Family is pure light and energy.

We tend to think of more basic examples in our own life though, like something that’s hot vs. something that’s cold. Or someone who loves to be around people vs. someone who likes to be alone more often. (There’s more science behind this, but for the sake of today’s episode we’re just going to stop there.)

The polarities of Yin & Yang make up these structures, called Hexagrams, that are comprised of 6 lines stacked horizontally on top of each other. Each of these 6 lines can either be a solid line all the way across the structure or split in two. Because of this you can make 64 different combinations with these 6 lines.

Does that number sound familiar, especially since you know we’re talking about DNA today?

If not, keep thinking about it while I describe something else.

You can see these hexagrams in our Human Design Chart as the 64 Gates throughout the bodygraph. Those are the little numbers inside each center. Some of yours have a small circle around them signifying that this trait is defined for you and it’s characteristics will be a regular part of your life curriculum.

You can also see those numbers on the side of your bodygraph next to each of the planetary symbols. There should be approximately 18 numbers on each side of your chart possibly making up 36 of those 64 numbers.

(I say possibly here, because some of your gates may be defined more than once in your personal chart.)

Are you following me so far?

Okay, so we have 64 gates, and guess what, each one of them has a hexagram of 6 lines attached to it that can be in any one of 64 combinations.

Now, if that wasn’t enough, let’s look at DNA. If you remember from school, there are 64 codons that make up our DNA and 6 groups of amino acids per codon.

Can you see the similarities?

DNA variations are so unique and after listening to the similarities I know you can imagine how unique each human design chart is.

One of my favorite phrases used by my coach, Karen Curry Parker, is ...

“You are a beautiful once in a lifetime cosmic event!”

It’s important to remember that Human Design is not a belief system, but something we need to experiment with. The more you can try to implement the information in your chart the more aligned your energy will be and life will be SO MUCH EASIER!

Think of this new learning about yourself like sending your DNA swab away to a clinic and getting back information about your unique qualities. Working with a coach or specialist can give you similar results except that there is so much more to explore with all the nuances of your chart.

It gives you detailed information about your personal traits, behaviors, tendencies, how your unique body is here to move in space, the best ways to communicate with others, easier ways to make decisions, & trusting yourself.

I think the math & science behind all of this is pretty cool. I love the miraculous similarities between the science that’s been proven and the elements that make up our energetic blueprint.

Unfortunately, I’m not a scientist and I don’t always remember the exact information to be able to pass it along in regular conversation, but I want to try and break things down for people here in my podcast as I’m able.

I hope it was at least a little interesting for you. I’d love to know how you’re using your unique energy.

Until next time,
Happy exploring!