Human Design and Parks

Human Design and Parks

Saturday, March 30th is Take a Walk in the Park Day!

I love parks, I love national day celebrations, & I love human design so I thought I would try to pull all of these together and discuss the connection between Human Design and Parks.

I came up with four ways they are similar.

Understanding and Appreciation

The more we understand about the ecosystem of a park, the more we can appreciate its beauty and function. Similarly, understanding our Human Design can lead to greater self-appreciation and acceptance.

Are you at that place in your life yet where you final feel like you appreciate & accept yourself?

Maybe this has never been something you struggled with. If so, can you tell us your secret? 🙂

This can be really difficult for some of us, and when we don’t have the support to lift us up we can spiral. Knowing the elements in our human design chart can be empowering and give us permission to accept ourselves.

Likewise, knowing the information in the charts of those we love can help them to be seen and valued.

Variety and Diversity

Variety & Diversity is another way we could relate parks to human design. Just like parks are filled with a variety of flora and fauna, Human Design also recognizes a variety of types, each with its own unique characteristics and strengths.

As Karen Curry Parker always says, we are each a once in a lifetime cosmic event and there has never been, nor will there ever be anyone like you!

This is why it’s important for us to BE who we are here to BE and not what someone else tells us we should be.

When we are able to see ourselves and others in this way then it’s easier to appreciate that each of us has our own role to play while we are here.

This is one of the greatest gifts human design has given me.
I have less imposter syndrome around my business and I love celebrating the accomplishments others have in their businesses.

I also notice that I have much more grace for how others live their lives. I’ve always considered myself a very accepting person, but I didn’t realize until I started paying attention to other energy types that I was judgmental around how people spent their days.
Someone would say to me that they had such a big day and name all the things they had to do during their work day, and I would be thinking in my head … “I did that in the first five minutes of my day!”
Now I listen with compassion and wonder what kind of energy type they are, considering that maybe this is how they are meant to interact with their day.

Interaction and Harmony

The third commonality is Interaction and Harmony. Parks are places where different elements interact and coexist harmoniously. In Human Design, understanding our type and those of others can lead to more harmonious interactions and relationships.

Imagine for a second that the people in your world understood this concept of every person truly being different. In this particular world we are all celebrated for our gifts and this community makes sure that everyone is cared for because they are valued.

I believe that we get closer and closer to this as we help others value themselves.

I want to be a part of helping women see their amazing gifts.
I want to help teens feel seen by others & understand their superpowers

If we could help children know how their energy works and give parents the tools to understand their child better imagine how their paths would change.

I personally love this metaphor of interaction & harmony. It’s something we value in the parks we visit and we should expect the same of our relationships with others.

Growth and Development

Lastly, Growth and Development can easily be compared to both human design & parks. Parks change and develop over time, influenced by seasons and external factors. Similarly, our understanding and expression of our Human Design can evolve over time, influenced by our experiences and growth.

I know this to be true in my own exploration of human design and how I’ve incorporated it into my daily life.
Beginning with my type & strategy of embracing the methodical way of doing things as a Generator and responding to the things that physically show up for me has allowed me to leave my 20+ year career of public school teaching and new opportunities show up for me when the timing is right.

My understanding of my profile lines has evolved over the past few years as well, allowing me to be more aware when others may be projecting onto me as a line 5 or embracing the trial and error process in my work.

The seasons in our lives can be monumental and not always easy to navigate. Human design can be so helpful with these and if you need guidance, I would love to be a part of your journey.

If you haven’t gotten your free human design guide, be sure to get started on your journey right away.

Until next time,
Happy exploring!