Human Design and Siblings

Human Design and Siblings

In honor of Siblings Day this week I thought I would talk about how I’ve used Human Design with my brothers & sister.

To give you a little perspective, my dad’s the oldest of 7, I’m the oldest of four, and the oldest of 21 grandchildren. I guess you could say that I come by the characteristics of the oldest child naturally. 😊

I like to think that I’m a supportive older sister that loves her siblings dearly.

It’s been interesting to compare all of our Human Design charts and see where we are similar along with how our energies work differently.
Out of the four of us, we have:

3 different energy types
3 different profiles
3 of us have a defined spleen
3 have a defined ajna
3 have a defined root

And we all have a defined throat.

Our Energy Types

I am a Generator and I definitely need to follow a stair step process.

Both of my brothers are Manifesting Generators. They also follow a stair-step process as fellow generators, but because they’re Manifesting Generators they have the ability to skip steps.
I can truly see how they are here to figure out ways to make things more efficient. When I explained all this to them they seemed to resonate with the fact that they need to be careful not to skip the wrong steps.

My sister, Tara is a Projector. As a reminder, Projectors are here to be an expert and to guide other’s energy. This is an interesting role for her as the youngest sibling. She’s definitely an expert in her work as a Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist and Functional Medicine Practitioner, and I appreciate how she’s grown into an energetic guide amongst the four of us.
She can see things that we can’t see and she asks good questions when we need to talk through a situation we’re dealing with.

Our Profile Lines

My two brothers are pretty close in age and I’m sure there were times when competition played a part in how they related to one another. Recently I was looking at their profile lines and realized that the threat of any competition could be thrown out the window because they’re both here to be some form of leader or role model.

My younger brother, Brandon, has a 6 in the conscious side of his profile. The 6 line goes through three phases in life. Until they’re about 30 they go about life as the experimenter, learning what doesn’t work to find out what does work. Then they sit back and “watch” for the middle portion of their life (until they’re about 60) gathering information as they quietly observe how others do things. Then after 60 they embody the true role model, living their life based on everything they’ve learned through experimenting and observing.

Brandon definitely embodied the explorer & experimenter as a younger person. He would take things apart just to see how they worked and then put them back together again. Now, I can see him being the observer, storing up powerful energy to step into his role model existence within the next 15 years.

My oldest brother, Greg, & Tara have a 5 in the conscious side of their profile. The 5 line is the visionary leader and both of them are very good at seeing the big picture about a project or situation. This line has a tendency to be projected on so I try to be careful that my energy doesn’t portray something I’m not intending. They both also have a 1 in the unconscious side of their profile, which is very apparent to those around them. The 1 line is the investigator and they both like to dive deep on the topics they are passionate about, or when making a decision about something.

My conscious profile line is the experimenter, or line 3. I’m here to continually explore options figuring out what doesn’t work so that I can help guide people to what does work. This can be challenging for my brothers to be patient with, since I need to follow all the steps as a Generator and experiment along the way, while they don’t necessarily need to experiment and they are here to find the most efficient ways of doing things.


There are characteristics from our Human Design charts that can help us with communicating better as siblings too.

As generators, Greg, Brandon, & I all need yes or no questions to respond to when making decisions. So, instead of saying something like, “What do you all want to do for Christmas this year?” We respond better to, “Do you want to get together the day after Christmas?” or “Do you want to have a turkey for dinner?”
Tara, on the other hand, because she’s a Projector, needs open ended statements such as, “I wonder what your thoughts are about Christmas this year.”

How our Energies Work

Another thing we can keep in mind about the three of us being generators is that we need to respond to things that physically show up for us, where as Tara’s energy works better when she receives an invitation, or is recognized for her expertise. This is something we can all work on, making sure she feels seen & valued.

Our Defined Centers

I mentioned at the beginning there are several defined centers that three of us have in some combination. That means that the fourth person will borrow & enhance this energy when we’re together.

Spleen Center

Tara has an undefined spleen center, meaning it’s not colored in & she doesn’t have consistent access to the intuitive energy that is associated with the spleen. She has the ability to sense when something is off because her undefined spleen is enhancing the intuition of others. One of the coolest parts though is that she is here to become wise about health & safety for herself & others. … Did I mention earlier that she is an expert in the health & wellness field?

Ajna Center

Brandon has an undefined ajna which is the center where we process & store information. You might think that this could mean he has a difficult time processing information, but it’s actually the opposite. He has a fluid way of taking in information and synthesizing it that he’s able to see different perspectives pretty easily and it’s more natural for him to change his mind about something.
As his siblings, all with defined ajna’s and a more fixed way of thinking, we need to be understanding when he changes his mind about something and realize that it’s not that he’s wishy washy, or can’t make up his mind, but that it’s more that he’s received new information about the topic and it’s made him shift his thinking. I can imagine that he might be able to resonate with the phrase, “I need to make order out of all this chaos of ideas swirling through my brain.” Having watched my brother work with machines and in positions where he “figures things out” I would say that this enhanced processing ability has truly followed him through life.


Now, Greg is the only one of us that doesn’t have a defined G-Center. Many times this is also called the Identity Center and it’s where our self-worth, self-value, & self-love live. With his center being completely open, he has a stronger ability to experience more types of love since his center is amplifying the energy of others.
The three of us with defined G-centers have always had a good sense of “who we are” even when we’ve experimented with “being like someone else” Greg, on the other hand, has a deeper ability to adapt in different kinds of environments. Kind of like a chameleon where he can be “this” kind of person over here with these people, and then “that” kind of person over there with those people. I’m sure this has served him well in his line of work managing people & projects.

Wrapping Up

I’ve just scratched the surface with how Human Design can help us with our relationships, especially being able to recognizing the gifts and energetic needs within your family.

It’s so helpful to know how each of your family members energy works and to help them live in a way that feels authentic and easy for them.

If you don’t know this information about your family members get their chart for free right HERE!

Then schedule a 1:1 session with me to learn how you can support their energetic blueprint.

Good luck with your journey and keep learning what you can!
Until next time … happy exploring!