Human Design Energy Types: Manifesting Generators

Human Design Energy Types: Manifesting Generators

Manifesting Generator Energy Types!

Many times affectionately called MGs.

This energy type is known for having the most life-force energy of all the types and for their multi-passionate nature.

They make up approximately 34% of the population and are a part of the 70% that are Generators.

Before I get too far into things, I want to address the fact that you may see people on social media that bring up a small controversy over whether this type is considered it’s own type or a sub-type.
Many traditional Human Design Analysts remind us that

A Generator, is a Generator, is a Generator

What they mean by this is that Manifesting Generators are not a “hybrid” energy type, but a sub-type of Generator. Others talk about it as if it were it’s own energy type all together.
Regardless of what you subscribe to, there are some key characteristics that I think are important for us to know about this energy type … or sub-energy type if you will.


Let’s start by identifying what makes a Manifesting Generator a Manifesting Generator.

Like Pure Generators, the Manifesting Generator will have their Sacral Center defined. As a reminder, that means the second center from the bottom will be colored in.

If you remember, in addition to the Sacral Center being defined, the Generator does not have a motor connected to the throat. This is a difference between the two. The Manifesting Generator DOES have a motor connected to the throat.

So, an MG will have a defined Sacral Center and either the Will Center, Root, or Solar Plexus will be directly (or indirectly) connected to the Throat through their defined channels.


Like Pure Generators, the Manifesting Generator’s energy works best when they are able to respond to things that physically show up for them.

MGs tend to move very fast, similar to Manifestors, except that Manifesting Generators also have their Sacral defined giving them consistent access to life-force energy if they’re doing something that lights them up.

This can make it a challenge for them to slow down in order to recognize the things that are physically showing up for them in their life. However, they can be very powerful when they do, because once they have recognized the opportunity and checked in with their authority to know if it’s correct for them or not, they can take action on it pretty quickly, similar to a Manifestor, since they have that motor connected to the throat.

This connection is what produces that non-verbal creative flow that the Manifestor also has. This creative flow will be strong in the MG and they will want to move directly to initiating, but it is very important that they wait to respond to something that physically comes to them & check in with their Authority first before acting on anything.

This can get even more tricky if you have Emotional Authority as an Manifesting Generator, where you need to wait even longer to check in with your emotional wave before jumping into a project.

So, let’s say you’ve responded to something that physically came into your life.
You checked in with your Authority and are ready to move forward with the idea.


There’s one more step in order to keep you (and those around you) in alignment.

Like the Manifestor, you need to inform those around you, especially those that may be impacted by your actions, what you are about to do.

Here’s an example of a Manifesting Generator, we’ll call her Courtney today, who’s not living in alignment.

Courtney is laying in bed one morning thinking about what she’s going to do for her daughter’s birthday and comes up with the idea that she will plan a party with a Care Bear Theme.

Who doesn’t love Care Bears right?

So, she jumps out of bed to act on this creative flow just bursting out of her. She runs to the party store and gets a bunch of decorations, stops at the bakery and orders the cake, picks up a few gifts at her daughter’s favorite store and then headed home to set things up. While she was on her way home, she realized there were some things she needed at the party store for work, so she ran back and picked those up too.

Then, before she got home, she realized she forgot to pick up the cake, so had to head back out and get that quickly.

The whole time she’s bopping to some of her favorite music in the car and trying to feel good about the day, despite some of the set-backs she experienced.

Feeling frustrated with how disjointed her outing went, Courtney finally arrives home to a house that’s already decorated and a cake on the counter.


Her husband comes around the corner and sees all of the things in her hands giving her a questioning look.

She puts everything down and they almost get into a fight trying to figure out what happened, and then her daughter comes in and loves the decorations that are up more than the Care Bear Theme since she feels like she’s too old for that kind of theme anymore.

So … this was a little bit of an extreme example, but what happened here?

First of all, Courtney did not wait for something to respond to before she acted on her idea.
Second, she did not check in with her Authority to know if that theme would be something her daughter might want.
Third, she did not inform anyone of her idea and her actions, therefore, duplicating efforts with her husband.

Not to mention the steps she tried to skip throughout the process and then having to double back with her errands because she skipped the wrong steps.

Let’s talk through this example in a way that might be a little more aligned with Courtney’s Manifesting Generator energy.

Courtney is laying in bed one morning thinking about what she’s going to do for her daughter’s birthday and comes up with the idea that she will plan a party with a Care Bear Theme, since that’s always been her daughter’s favorite stuffed animal.

She chats with her husband about her plans and decides to make the decision about the theme for her daughter’s birthday when she gets to the party store after running some errands.

While she’s at the drug store picking up a prescription, she sees a poster for a music group that her daughter likes and gets an immediate gut response that feels good.

Yeah, Care Bears might be too young for her now that she’s turning 15.

On the way to the party store she stops at the bakery to order the cake and decides on her daughter’s favorite flavor and colors. She gets to the party store and there is a complete package of decorations and paper products with the band she likes on them - right at the front of the store! Just before she’s about to check out, she realizes a couple things she needs for an event at work so she grabs those as well.

She already has a few gifts for her, but chooses one more at the gift shop next to the party store. The bakery is last and then she heads home.

The whole time she’s moving quickly, bopping to some of her favorite music in the car and feeling satisfied.

Courtney finally arrives home where her husband is waiting to help her set things up because she informed him that she was on her way back n a text.

They finish the decorations just as their daughter comes around the corner and loves everything!

So … I’m sure you can identify the things that Courtney did in this example that were more aligned with her energy.

First of all, she did not act on impulse to the idea she had lying in bed that morning. She waited for something to physically show up in her world to give her something to respond to (the poster at the drug store).

Second, Courtney checked in with her gut to know if that theme felt correct for her daughter’s birthday.

Third, she informed her husband of the plan and then again when she was on her way back from running all the errands. This made it so they didn’t duplicate efforts and so he was around to help when she got home.

I know you might be saying,

But Laura, these are all logical good forms of communication. Wouldn’t this work for anyone!?!

Yes! You are absolutely correct, however, these kinds of situations are enhanced for different types of energy. The best thing to do is experiment with the characteristics of your energy type and see how things turn out when you follow them, and how things turn out when you don’t.


I already talked about the Sacral, or gut response above as well in the post about Generator Energy Types. It’s important to know that Manifesting Generators all have consistent access to this life-force energy and can use it to make any kind of quick decision. If they have Emotional Authority, then they will need to check in with their emotional wave before making big decisions, but if not, then they can use their gut for all decisions that come into their life.

All Generator Types can respond with a guttural sound, such as


But certain MGs have an even faster response than the rest.

If you have the channel 34/20 defined in your chart, then your Sacral is connected directly to your Throat Center. This means that as soon as you have checked in with your gut, the response results in sound almost immediately. So, you can truly trust that the first thing to come out of your mouth is correct for your energy.


All Generator types are here to do work that they are passionate about, and to cultivate mastery within that work.

I’ve said this before but it’s definitely worth saying again, that this passionate work might not look like a JOB, but instead, your job may afford you the ability to do the things you’re passionate about. For example, you may feel passionate about and satisfied when you are performing on a stage, or helping in the wings for a musical. However, this may not pay your bills and your job is something you do in order to be able to participate in these kinds of things.

Satisfaction is what you’re looking for in your work and throughout your day. This is your signature theme that lets you know when you’re in alignment.

When you experience frustration it’s a sure sign that you’re either on the verge of burnout, you’ve skipped the wrong steps, or you’ve entered into an opportunity that wasn’t right for you. It’s important to be aware of this feeling of frustration so that you know when something might need to change.

However, it’s more powerful to look for the satisfaction throughout your day to continue feeding the law of attraction and your brain with more positive interactions.


If you work with or manage someone who is a Manifesting Generator, here are a few tips to help you understand how their energy works a little better.

Stair-Step Learning Process

MGs have a stair-step learning process, but are always looking to find the most efficient way of doing things. This is what drives them to skip steps. The key for them is not to skip the wrong steps.

In the work environment, it’s important to recognize that this is how their energy works.
First of all so you can recognize that they are skipping steps and remind them of steps that are imperative that they don’t skip.
Second, especially if you are a Pure Generator, it’s important that you don’t judge them for skipping steps and thinking they need to do the task the way you would do it. Generators and Manifesting Generators have a different approach to creativity and work.


Manifesting Generators tend to be multi-passionate. Try to notice the different interests of your MGs at work and consider including them on projects that involve those interests.
Don’t be afraid to allow them to hold multiple roles or complete different kinds of work. It’s in their nature to be involved with many things.


You may notice that the Manifesting Generators you work with move between one thing and another pretty quickly and they might not finish one thing before starting the next. Trust their multi-tasking process.

They’ll eventually get back to that first thing to finish it, and if they don’t, I find that either a gentle reminder is welcomed, or maybe that “first thing” didn’t need to get done anyway in the grand scheme of the project.

Lots of Energy

MGs generally need to expend an enormous amount of energy everyday. Sitting at a desk for too long can be almost toxic for them. The more opportunities they have to move their body throughout the day the more productive they will be.
Consider providing standing desks, yoga balls for chairs, desk treadmills, or even a mini workout room for them to keep their energy manageable & their productivity up.

Frustration & Anger

A Manifesting Generator’s emotional theme is frustration and anger. If your co-worker or employee is exuding one of these emotions, it may be because they were asked to do work that does not light them up. It could be that they made a decision in their personal life that wasn’t aligned for them. Or they may be skipping the wrong steps while trying to find the most efficient way of doing the task.

If you are concerned, or if it’s affecting their work, feel free to ask them if there’s anything they’d like to talk about. Even better, ask them when they are NOT frustrated what approach they would like you to take if it starts to affect their work.

Overall, don’t take this frustration personally, it’s usually a part of their path to mastery.


If you have an MG as a friend or family member be careful to tune into when they are saying yes when it may not be correct for their energy.

They have a tremendous amount of energy and are capable of successful multi-tasking, even if they don’t have energy for it. Paying close attention to whether they have the capacity to do a task or if they are just doing it to keep people happy.

When it comes to making decisions together, such as where to go to dinner, or what movie to watch, your MG will respond best to yes or no questions.

So, instead of saying, “Where do you want to go to dinner?”

You could run down a list of places you’d like to go and have them answer with a “uh-huh” or “uh-uh” for each one.

Remember too, that if they have the 34/20 Channel defined, then the first thing to come out of their mouth is their truth. Honor this and don’t ever make them feel badly about “their truth” or the decision that their gut has decided on.

If you have a Manifesting Generator child, they need to wear out their sacral energy everyday. When they can’t it means they might not be tired enough to sleep at night and end up staying up too late. It’s also worth noting that children who don’t get enough good quality sleep can develop symptoms such as ADD or lack of focus in school.

Speaking of school, and work for that matter, MGs are multi-passionate, and good multitaskers. At times this brings upon them the label of ADHD. Look carefully before seeking medications, since it might just be how their energy works and if you tweak a few things it might help them live more in alignment & minimize some of their symptoms.


Alright, let’s recap a few of the main things to remember.

— Follow your passion and embrace your multi-passionate nature
— Continue looking for efficiency but be careful not to skip the wrong steps
— Maintain an active lifestyle to expend your energy everyday.

Most importantly:

  • Visualize the idea
  • Wait to respond
  • Follow your authority
  • Inform others of your plans

Remember that when a Manifesting Generator is able to respond to the things that physically show up for them and their energy is honored by the people that surround them, they will lead a happy, satisfying & peaceful life.

Until next time,

Happy exploring!