Finding Human Design - MY Story

Finding Human Design - MY Story

I have a question for you …

How did YOU find Human Design?

I’m always curious about people’s stories around how they discovered this amazing system that has the potential to make things easier for us.

I’ve always been curious about what makes me tick.

I remember when I was in high school playing french horn with the Ohio State Fair Band and my parents came down to visit We went to one of the vendor buildings and there was a booth that read your handwriting & told you something about yourself.

I was so excited about doing this, even though my dad kind of made fun of it. [This is a perfect example of conditioning.]

I remember specifically that it told me I was creative, but that I had trouble finishing things.

What? 🤨

Over the years I’ve been fascinated by personality tests to learn more about myself & to find ways to make life easier or communicate better. One of the things that was always frustrating to me about personality tests though was that you never knew how to answer each of the questions. Were you answering as if you were in that situation in your job? At home? What if I acted differently with my friends?
All of these felt like it was skewing the results and I never knew who I "truly" was.

I resonated with pieces of my Reformer perfectionism when enneagram Type 1 came up after I took that test — but not all of it.

And I had four different letters staring back at me every time I took the Myers-Briggs test.

Not to mention the negative spin some of these tests include in their descriptions!

None of them sat quite right with me.

Now, don’t get me wrong! Like I said earlier, I’ve always loved little quizzes and tests that would tell me more about myself.
I even have a masters in Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Theory!

But ...

I’ve never felt so seen as when I learned about my Human Design.

The thing I liked the best about Human Design when I found it was that I didn’t have to take a test!

It’s all based on where the planets & stars were when you were born so all of your conditioning from society isn’t taking over your results.

What to do with all of the information?

The key with all of this though, is to DO something with your results & the things you learn about from your bodygraph or chart.

When you learn about some of the characteristics in your chart you will probably feel very validated & nod your head, like … yeah … that’s me.

One time, when I was doing a chart reading, the person said to me, “How are you inside my head right now?” and, “How do you know so much about me?”

These are awesome moments and I love celebrating people’s self-discovery!

If you felt this way too, then … yay!!

(I’m sending you lots of high fives right now!)

There may be other parts of the chart that may not resonate with you. This can be common.
This could be a sign of conditioning - conditioning from friends, conditioning from family, conditioning from society.

The challenging part is accepting the possibilities that await if you are able to open your mind to a different way.

A different way of walking through life,
a different way or making decisions,
a different way of communicating,
or even a different way of taking care of yourself & others.


Here’s an example of my own conditioning from society and how I was challenged with a new concept from my chart.

As a Generator we are here to RESPOND to life - like …

... waiting for things to PHYSICALLY come into our life.

However, society tells us to take the bull by the horns and go get what you want!
Don’t let anyone tell you what to do
Don’t wait for someone to tell you it’s time!


This is how I ran my side business making customized planners for people.

I did pretty well, but looking back, I can see now that it was an uphill battle & I ran into obstacles so often. I could also see that the times my sales felt easy were when I responded to things, like a social media post asking about what planners people were using, or someone mentioning how they struggle with organizing their tasks.

Now, I am continually reminding myself that I need to wait to respond to life and trust that what’s right for me will SHOW UP.

Human Design Is Not a Belief System

Human Design is not a belief system, but rather a blueprint to help you live in better alignment & make life easier. Experimenting is a huge part of this and something I always advocate for when working with people.

Everyday I work to experiment with the things that will help me be more aligned with my true self and positive energy field. It takes practice and perseverance to build these habits and mindset shifts, but I can see the difference it’s making in my life.

If you’re working on this too, but could use a little support, then let’s work together.

Booking an initial Awareness Session will get you started and then we can talk about ways I can support you through your journey moving forward.

Until next time,
Happy exploring!