What is Human Design?

What is Human Design?

Have you heard of Human Design before? Most of the people in my immediate circle have never heard of this amazing thing in my life and I’m always having to explain what it is, so I thought that's where I would start.

I’ve always described Human Design as a personality test, astrology, and quantum physics all rolled into one, except you don't need to take the test!

You only need your birth day, time, & place!

Human Design is really a personality assessment system that utilizes these ancient systems:

  • Hindu Chakra system
  • Chinese I’Ching
  • Judaic Kabbalah
  • and then throw in some science with Quantum Physics

What’s generated after putting in all your birth information is something that looks similar to a picture of the chakra’s. This is called your bodygraph, or human design chart and serves as a blueprint of your unique story.

human design bodygraph

All of the numbers & shapes you see represent different characteristics and archetypes. Some you’ll experience within yourself & others you’ll experience through your relationships with other people. They provide strategies that help you walk through life with more ease & fulfill your purpose.

As an adult the information you learn from your bodygraph can be validating. For many of us it’s the permission we need to live life the way we always new was right for us.

Life has become easier for me. I particularly love the positive nature of how all this information is generally presented. Unlike other systems, human design doesn’t treat any of these characteristics as weaknesses. They just ‘are’ and ALL of you is celebrated.

I also really like that it allows you to see others in a new way and encourages understanding & grace amongst everyone. Can you imagine if more people were able to see themselves from this amazing point of view & truly celebrated by others?

All of this is like unlocking the secret code to understanding yourself and others better.

If you are haven’t explored your human design bodygraph yet click below to get yours right now!


You’ll be glad you did!

You can also get a FREE HD Guide to help you understand some of the bigger pieces of your chart.

When you’re ready, let’s book a time to go over more of your superpowers and take your life to the next level!

Until next time,
Happy exploring!